POST 2: the best concert

 Hi everyone! In my life I’ve gone to three concerts, but if someone ask me about the best, it was One Direction’s concert, it was held at Estadio Nacional in 2014. At that time I was a big fan of the boy band of the year, and in 2013 my dad gave me the ticket for my birthday. I waited almost a year for the concert and the day finally came.

I’m from Arica so I had to travel to Santiago, my sister was living here so I stayed in her apartment, she went to the concert too, she wasn’t a big fan, but she had to take care of me hahaha. My best friend at that time went too, we were so close and “directioners” (that’s the name of de fan club). We bought the same ticket location “Andes”, it’s in the side of the stage.

That day I woke up at 7 am because we had to get there very early to have a great seat, we waited about 3 hour outside the stadium, and then the doors opened and let us in, I really enjoyed very much that concert. Now I’m not a fan of all the members of 1D but I remember that time with love.

The picture is from the line outside the stadium.


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