Hi everyone, i’m writing this post to tell you some things about me. My name is Consuelo, i’m 19 years old, i was born in Santiago on June 20st, but when I was 2, my family moved to Arica because my whole mother’s family was living there. I studied in the Deutsche Schule Arica, so I speak some german.
I dance since 2008, that’s why i’m studying dance at the Universidad de Chile. I’m very comfortable living here in Santiago, because I live with my older sister, Isidora, my dad and my dog Peka, but sometimes I miss my mother and my brother Sebastián that they live in Arica, I travel to Arica in holidays to enjoy the beach and my family.
In my free time I usually go out with my friends or my boyfriend, but during this quarentine I’ve doing a lot of stuff with my sister like cooking, drawing and watching series. Ihope this quarentine ends soon so we can return to our normal life with our loved ones.


  1. HiConsuelo! I would like to know Arica, the beach and i think the weather is very good. Im so sorry you dont live with your mom.
    See you, bye.

    1. Hi Juan, yes Arica it’s a beautiful city, is known as the city of the eternal spring!

  2. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  3. Hello Consuelo! I really like your post, I hope you're good and discvering new things to do or enjoying the draws that you make and the delicious things that you cook. I would like to know one of you recipes someday, bye :)

  4. Hi Consuelo! my two brothers and my boyfriend studied in Deustche Schule too, they have tried to teach me a litle german but it's difficult for me, but I would love to learn it! and I cook too in this quaretine too.
    I hope that you're ok! bye

    1. Hi Paula, yes I think it’s harder than english:( but maybe you should learn a few words just for fun:)

  5. Hi consuelo! I Read your post and is nice! I happy that in Santiago lived with your sister, dad and peka <3. I understand what feel to be away your home. I hope that are fine and peka too <3 I miss you friend.

    1. Hey Cami, we are fine at home, hope you are fine too, miss u dear friend <3

  6. Hi consuelo! Arica is so far away from Santiago, the weather in Arica is quiet diferente than Santiago?? bye!

  7. Hi Consuelo! I love looking at your Instagram. Peka is cute and lovely <3. We could share recipes!


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