Hi everyone! This year has been different to all of us, we have been on quarantine since March, but there are some positive things that I can get from this situation. I’m from Arica, but I went to Santiago on March, so I was able to spend more time with my sister, my father and my dog there, we cook a lot together and we also paint, my sister is probably leaving home next year, so I’m very happy for this time with her.

Not everything has been perfect and we had have some troubles on the university, mainly for the connectivity and the not motivation, personally, I don’t have much motivation for the classes, but I keep going because in this context is the only thing that I can do.

Some of my achievements are learn to cook different things, and learn to paint with watercolor, my sister is very good at it, so she teach me. Also, I’m a very disorganized, but this time has teach me to order my things like University, extra classes and my hobbies, and be able to do all the things that I want to.

As I can see this semester will be the same, but now I’m in Arica, so I hope spend more time with my mother and my brother.


  1. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  2. Hi Consue! How great that you came to arica to be with your mom and brother!I am also very desorganized but I'm learning, haha, Take care friend, Bye<3

  3. Hi Consu!I understand you a lot, everything has been very complicated.
    We share the same achievement haha learn to cook. Lets share recipes! Bye Consu

  4. Hello Consu! I understand your situation and I'm very happy that you can be in Arica sharing with your family, kisses <3


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