
Mostrando las entradas de octubre, 2021

Post 5: My future job

 Hi everyone! I’m back again, I’ve always been sure that I won’t going to work in an office, I find it a bit bored that’s why I chose my career; Dance. The work field is very extensive, you can work as a teacher, in the investigation area, in advertising or for shows, but the thing I would like the most is being part of a company. I would love preparing works for every season! also I think you make very good friends in a company, I was part of one in Arica and the experience was beautiful.  That’s why in my last year of university I will choose the interpreter mention, so I can have a good preparation for being one.  My dream job is more an indoor job, but if we want we could travel around the world, showing our works, and that’s a thing that I would love, visit other countries and knowing other companies and dancers from around the planet, I think they are the most enriching experiences! Greetings!

Post 4: A person I would like to meet

  There so many people I would like to meet, some artists, activists, politicians, and even people who are no longer in this world. But right now, I would love to meet the famous singer, entrepreneur and designer, Rihanna. Since I was a child, I’ve always liked Rihanna’s music, and I’m sure that most of the people know her, or have listened to her songs. She has a lot of music hits, as “Umbrella”, “Love on the Brain”, “Diamonds”, “Don’t Stop The Music” and  many more. Rihanna has a beautiful voice and also she’s a very good rapper. She’s from Barbados and started her music career been very young, when she was about 15 years old, she was discovered by American record producer Evan Roger. But Rihanna is not only one of the most talented women in the music industry, she also has a makeup and lingerie brand! In 2017 she launched the cosmetics company Fenty Beauty, revolutionizing the way other cosmetic brands approached diversity, including about 40 shades of foundation. Not satisfied with

Day 3: A day to remember

 There are so many days in my life to remember, but I think that one of the most important was the first day in the audition for studying dance. The whole week was importante but I keep in my heart the first day because I enjoyed a lot. I woke up and I was so nervous, I arrived to the university at 7:40 am, very early, actually I was the 3rd persons in the list, in total there were about 200 applicants. I went to the audition with two friends of Arica, we were separated in groups, fortunately, we stay in the same classroom.  It was like a normal dance class, and I went relaxing as the day progressed. I really enjoyed that day because there were no eliminations, I just did what I knew. At the end of the day, my boyfriend pick me up, and we went to Burger King hahah. When I arrived at home, I took a long shower, to release all the tension and prepare for the next day. All that week, was stressing, but anyway, I enjoyed it, and if it wasn’t for all the thing I did and said, I wasn’t were