Day 3: A day to remember

 There are so many days in my life to remember, but I think that one of the most important was the first day in the audition for studying dance. The whole week was importante but I keep in my heart the first day because I enjoyed a lot.

I woke up and I was so nervous, I arrived to the university at 7:40 am, very early, actually I was the 3rd persons in the list, in total there were about 200 applicants. I went to the audition with two friends of Arica, we were separated in groups, fortunately, we stay in the same classroom. 

It was like a normal dance class, and I went relaxing as the day progressed. I really enjoyed that day because there were no eliminations, I just did what I knew. At the end of the day, my boyfriend pick me up, and we went to Burger King hahah. When I arrived at home, I took a long shower, to release all the tension and prepare for the next day.

All that week, was stressing, but anyway, I enjoyed it, and if it wasn’t for all the thing I did and said, I wasn’t were I’m now, and I’m so thankful for it.


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